Sei: A New Frontier for Financial Institutions

Sei opens up a world of possibilities for financial institutions, offering a blockchain platform that combines unparalleled speed with robust security. This is where cutting-edge technology meets institutional needs for transparency, efficiency, and security.

Sei’s esteemed Backers

Sei is supported by a network of esteemed backers who recognize the potential of Sei's innovative blockchain technology, bringing expertise and resources that enrich Sei's institutional offerings.

What Can Institutions
Do on Sei

Institutions on Sei can leverage its fast, scalable blockchain to build or engage with enterprise-grade applications focusing on trading, asset management, lending, and more. Sei's robust platform supports a variety of institutional activities, offering an efficient, secure environment for financial innovation.

Innovative Financial Products

Crafting Cutting-Edge Solutions

Sei enables institutions to develop and manage innovative financial products, such as derivatives and complex instruments, leveraging the blockchain's advanced capabilities.

Robust Asset Management

Sophisticated Solutions on Sei

Utilizing Sei's powerful infrastructure for high-level asset management, benefiting from its remarkable speed and scalability.

Diverse Application Development

Versatile Environment for Financial Apps

Sei's adaptable ecosystem is ideal for creating a broad spectrum of financial applications, from DeFi solutions to institutional trading platforms, thanks to its flexible and robust environment.

Enhanced Data

Safeguarding Digital Assets

With Sei, institutions can leverage a highly secure blockchain environment, making it an optimal choice for protecting digital assets and sensitive financial data.

The Sei ecosystem aligns with our commitment to working with founders and teams dedicated to open access and programmable commerce,” Wyatt Lonergan, Principal at Circle Ventures.

Multicoin led Sei's seed round last year and have been working closely with [sei labs] since then. We've been continuously amazed with their pace of execution - Spencer Applebaum, Investment Partner at Multicoin

We choose Sei for its unmatched speed, resilience, and innovation. Its optimized architecture aligns seamlessly with our institutional goals.

Kanav Kariya

We back exceptional entrepreneurs working to advance the crypto/Web3 ecosystem and support Coinbase's mission of creating more economic freedom.

Sei has made advancements in speed, scalability, and security that address some of the major drawbacks of current general purpose chains. We’re confident that they can be a real challenger in the battle for Layer 1 - Tommy Shaughnessy, co founder at delphi digital

"It’s exciting to see the launch of Sei’s V2 high-performance, parallelized EVM, as this positions Sei to unlock enhanced network capabilities and offer a perfect place for DeFi builders and institutions to leverage Pyth oracles and build the next generation of on-chain finance.”

Mike Cahill
CEO of Douro Labs